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Writer's pictureGlimmerTween

Glimmer Tween Sisterhood

Updated: Oct 24, 2023

The Glimmer Tween products are just part of the story. We envision a different tomorrow, where we help parents remove the stigma surrounding, not just periods, but everything that happens leading up it. Creating a healthy self awareness, and empowering our girls to “own” their femininity will help drive the societal change; removing the stigma/taboo of open discussions about "that stuff". We promote the Glimmer Tween brand as a call for social change. We envision the brand becoming a tagline for girls nationwide; who take pride in forming part of the Glimmer Tween Sisterhood.

The transition between little girl and teenager is different for every girl, some as early as 7 yrs old, as late as 15 yrs old. We are all unique and that is BEAUTIFUL. Tweening comes with a lot of physical and emotional changes; some subtle and some not-so subtle. Guidance and support is key to help them better understand these changes, build their confidence, take ownership of their own hygiene routine and avoid embarrassing situations. Glimmer Tween products are designed to help you support your Tween.

How many of you recognize the following scenario: where the care free, inquisitive, little girl you once knew, becomes quiet or reserved, keeping to herself, getting annoyed at the simplest question or request, seemingly bothered or frustrated with social/family functions; the list goes on. You try to talk to her about her day and all you get in response to a "How was your day?" is a "Fine" , "Good", "Okay I guess" , or worse, a bothered shrug... . oh the dreaded SHRUG!!!!! Trust me mom/dad, we all go through it. But it is nothing YOU are doing wrong. It is just one sign of "Tweening" and it starts long before the dreaded, Teenage years. So how do you reach her? How do you support?

Glimmer Tween encourages the healthy practice of journaling as an outlet for her. When the flood of emotions comes; and it will.. they have a place to go and not stay bottled-up causing emotional damage. Pouring them out onto a written page is a healthy means of stress-relief and helps promote tempering those emotions that at times may feel uncontrollable and hard share. Glimmer Tween Shine Bright journal is one of many products available to support your Tween. Learn more at

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